Skill #3

Reflection: I learned that to have a good survey you must have no more than 5-10 questions because customers generally have short attention spans, but the questions should be more than yes or no questions so that they can elaborate more on the questions. Often incentives like discounts on products can be an excellent way to ensure people will finish the survey. If you are doing a survey online survey monkey is an excellent program to use. After you make a survey, if it is online send it out on a lot of different media.


My artifact after learning about how to have a good survey is a plan. I plan to ask people that have used a portable charger or are interested in getting into solar panels or want a better more artistic charger to use that is better for the environment. My plan would be to have each one of our group members take a turn with a short 5-10 question survey. I think an in-person survey would be better in our case as we are trying to figure out if our product would sell. I was trying to think of an incentive, but since we aren’t actually selling a product the best I could come up with would be candy. 

Reflection: As I was thinking about our plan, I was also thinking about doing a short 3-question survey card when we were displaying our product. I was creating our questions and I found it difficult to fit everything that I wanted into a short 5 question survey. I also learned that making questions for something that is not yet an actually product is harder than trying to think of questions for a product that is already established.


My survey questions:

-Are you interested in power banks, solar power, or just interested in knowing what this product is?

-After learning about our product, do you think you would use/ could incorporate it into your daily life?

-If anything, would you like to change anything about our product to better meet your needs?

-Have you seen any other products like this?

-If this product was 85$ would you consider buying it? 

Relation: This skill relates to our product and class. Our goal is to create an artistic way to incorporate solar energy into everyday life. To do this we have created a plant like sculpture that has solar panels to charge a battery, so you can charge your phone. In order to get people to have this product in their homes a starting point is to survey people to get their thoughts and ideas on the product to increase the chance for people to actually want and use our product. This helps incorporate technology and art together and into people’s minds and homes. 

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