Kylee’s Skill Logging 3: Solar Energy

What I learned:

Since I didn’t have our solar panels with me and only got to see them in class, I had to rely on mostly external resources for this skill logging. I watched a video on basic solar energy and how it works and I also looked more into how the energy gets converted into a battery or gets stored as thermal energy. My prior knowledge of this was very limited and I really only knew that it was energy that came from the sun. After watching the videos I now know more about the complex structure of the solar panels and how the silicon is used to allow the electrons to flow through the cells.

What I made:

I didn’t get to make anything necessarily that contributed to the solar aspect of our project this week. However, I did use my other artistic skills to create a color palette and paint the base of our prototype to see which color we think would work best in our final project. Since we wanted it to have a natural look but also go well with the color of the copper wire we’re using, I painted the base several different shades of brown to see which one was the most appealing.

Relating to the class

This skill logging relates back to the technological and collaborative side of the class. I did research and learned a bit about something that was very unfamiliar to me to better understand our project along with pushing forward our final design ideas and choosing the best fitted color.

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