Kylee’s Skill Log 1: Painting 3D structures

What I learned

What I’ve learned during this assignment was how to paint on a 3-dimensional structure rather than the 2D canvas or paper that I’m used to. This was an opportunity I used to improve my skills because I had to think about what it would look like from every angle instead of one. I also had to think about a design that everyone would find appealing or aesthetic and keep it somewhat simple while I’m used to painting my personal complex designs.

What I made

My contribution to our pretotype was to paint the wood Jason laser cut into the tree design. I used acrylic paint and made two different brown colors for both parts of the tree trunk for a more natural look. For a little more of a fun look I painted the branches pink. Like I mentioned before, painting something like this was a bit different for me since it was multiple pieces and two sided. It was also different painting on the wood as apposed to regularly painted material like canvases.

This can relate back to the course as whole when it comes to the idea of learning new skills and collaborating with others and contributing to our design to encourage renewable energy.

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